FTP is planning an expansion

FTP is planning an expansion

Thank you to the Orangeville Citizen for this recent story about our proposed build:   “The organization is proposing an addition to its building on 20 Bredin Parkway that will feature 15 single apartments and four family units, along with group space,...
Nonprofit Appreciation Week

Nonprofit Appreciation Week

For the first time ever, Ontario is recognizing the week of February 14-20, 2022 as Nonprofit Appreciation Week. This new recognition is based on legislation to recognize nonprofit workers and organizations by the Government of Ontario, Bill 9,...
2022 Phenomenal Women Campaign

2022 Phenomenal Women Campaign

Did you miss out on our Phenomenal Women Campaign last year in recognition of International Women’s Day? Well…it’s back! Like last year, we truly wanted to host another fantastic in-person event to celebrate all of the women in this community, but...
Anti-Bullying Workshop for Parents

Anti-Bullying Workshop for Parents

Is Your Kid Being Bullied? It’s Not Always Obvious… Kids often don’t see how badly their “friends” are treating them—especially when they’re just trying to fit in.  Do they come home with hurt feelings or in tears?  Do you worry stepping in will only...
A significant donation from the Galt Family Foundation

A significant donation from the Galt Family Foundation

Family Transition Place (FTP) is grateful for a significant financial donation from the Galt Family Foundation. Last month, FTP received a $40,000 donation from the Galt Family Foundation—a fantastic way to end 2021. Each year, FTP has been able to support hundreds of...
Healthy Me Group for Women

Healthy Me Group for Women

Register now for FTP’s new group for women: Healthy Me. This 5-session virtual group will help you learn and develop healthy habits, techniques for a healthy mindset, healthy alternatives for coping, and foster knowledge on healthier relationships. The focus of the...
We’re Hiring

We’re Hiring

Family Transition Place (FTP) is currently hiring for a Part-time Receptionist a HR Payroll Assistant, a Facilities Assistant and a Crisis/Intake Counsellor. Please visit our Employment Opportunities page for more details on these...
Wrapped in Courage Flag Raising

Wrapped in Courage Flag Raising

The Town of Orangeville will be raising a Wrapped in Courage flag next week in recognition of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The flag-raising ceremony will take place on Wednesday, November 24th...
Fall Update

Fall Update

Did you receive our Fall Update in the mail? If not, you can read the digital copy here.    To receive future updates, please email kelly@familytransitionplace.ca.   Previous newsletters can also be viewed here.   PLEASE NOTE:...
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