
Since 1984, Family Transition Place (FTP) has been providing critical services to women and their children who have experienced abuse and unhealthy relationships. Inside FTP’s doors, women find a warm and welcoming place where their safety and well-being is the most important thing in the world. Whether they need a safe place to live, or the services of a professional, skilled counsellor to assist them on their journey, FTP is there to help. Over the years, FTP has become known, not only for these core critical services, but for also being a leader in the field of healthy relationship education. Our extremely popular Youth Education programs in the schools are helping to build healthy communities, one classroom at a time. Through all of these measures, FTP strives to deliver services that provide safety, support and hope – so we can help create a healthy community, one relationship at a time.

Registered Charity  # 107376378RR0001

Land Acknowledgement

Family Transition Place is committed to honour, respect and acknowledge, in both our words and in practice, the Indigenous and First Nations people who first walked these lands and who continue today, to live, honour and maintain this space and its many gifts.

Apology Statement

At Family Transition Place (FTP), we recognize the importance of fostering a culture of inclusivity, respect, and understanding. As an organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families in our community, we strive to uphold these values in all aspects of our work.

Diversity and Respect

Family Transition Place (FTP) is committed to unlearning biases and working towards undoing systemic racism and oppression towards, Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, 2SLGBTQ+ and all marginalized identities.

Vision, Mission, Values

A community free of abuse where all individuals are treated with compassion, equity and respect, and live their lives in healthy relationships. [more…]


Family Transition Place was re-accredited for another four years (2020-2024) in April 2020. We are the ONLY organization accredited through FOCUS Accreditation to obtain a 100% score — two accreditation cycles in a row!

Board of Directors

FTP is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of individuals who have a broad range of experience and a commitment to ending violence in our community. Their strategic leadership will help focus efforts that support the agency to meet the changing needs of our community, while simultaneously ensuring that FTP’s mission and values are front and centre.

Agency Newsletters

FTP releases regular newsletters to keep our supporters informed on current events and other important agency updates. More…

Agency Documents

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