Plaque in honour of Heidi

Plaque in honour of Heidi

Earlier this year, Family Transition Place (FTP) announced the decision to no longer run Heidi’s Walk for Hope—a legacy fundraising event, initially run by Penny and Gus Bogner as The Ferguson Memorial Walk in honour of their daughter Heidi Lee Ferguson (née...
Take Back the Night event

Take Back the Night event

Thank you to everyone who joined us at this year’s Take Back the Night—a community event uniting folks against sexual violence and gender-based violence. We’re grateful to our event partners, Georgian College Orangeville, for hosting the event at the...
Hope Women’s Coffee in partnership with Mochaberry

Hope Women’s Coffee in partnership with Mochaberry

This fall, we’re teaming up with the amazing folks at Mochaberry Coffee to offer a delicious cup of HOPE to your home or workplace. Throughout Women’s History Month (October) and Woman Abuse Prevention Month (November), we’ll be selling a special blend of Hope Women’s...
Overdose Awareness Day Event

Overdose Awareness Day Event

Every day, we see lives around us being changed and lost to overdose. Overdose does not discriminate. It could be you or someone you love. A friend, colleague or your neighbour. This year, in recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day, the Dufferin-Caledon...
Volunteer Opportunity

Volunteer Opportunity

Our Finance Committee is looking for a new community volunteer. Please see below for details: FTP’s Finance Committee membership includes board members, community volunteers and senior staff. The Finance Committee meets virtually on Wednesday evenings starting at 5:30...
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