May is Sexual Violence Prevention Month, formerly named Sexual Assault Awareness/Prevention Month.
Sexual assault centres have spent time and energy into bringing awareness to sexual violence for decades. This month, Family Transition Place and other members of the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres (OCRCC) will highlight the work of using this awareness to further practice violence prevention, using a #SurvivorsFirst approach.
If you need support, we’re here for you. Call 1-800-265-9178 or visit our sexual assault counselling and support page for more details on our services.
If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

FTP’s sexual violence counselling services provide services to individuals (16+ years old) in the Dufferin and Caledon communities. Staff at the Lotus Centre work with the following partners to deliver a broad array of sexual violence supports across our community:

Dufferin Child and Family Services logo    Headwaters Health Care Centre logo

Visit out Lotus Centre page to find out more about the services we provide.

Centred black text, bordered by white, reads May is Sexual Violence Prevention Month Take the quiz A translucent image of the OCRCC Survivors First flag is in the backgroundTest your consent and bystander intervention knowledge by taking the Draw the Line quiz.

Some parts of this quiz test your knowledge. Other parts contain information about sexual violence prevention, helping you to increase your knowledge as you go along. You will have a chance to assess what you’ve learned, and at the end of the quiz, you will get your score!

Supports and resources are offered throughout the quiz; if you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, free and confidential support is available at

Please note: you will not be asked for your name or other identifying information.

Take the quiz!

SVPM Acknowledgements and Ceremonies

Town of Caledon Flag-raising and Proclamation Ceremony
Caledon Town Hall
6311 Old Church Rd, Caledon
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 – 2 p.m.
Town of Caledon Proclamation

Town of Orangeville Flag-raising and Proclamation Ceremony
Orangeville Town Hall
87 Broadway
Thursday, May 23, 2024 – 12 p.m.
Town of Orangeville Proclamation

County of Dufferin Proclamation
May 9, 2024 Dufferin County Council Meeting (YouTube link)
Please go to minute 5:57 for proclamation
Dufferin County Proclamation

Myth or Fact?

Examine your assumptions. Understand the difference.

Myth: Sexual assault is often committed by strangers.
Fact: Sexual assault is usually not committed by strangers. Over 80% of sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim.

Myth: The primary motive for sexual assault is sex.
Fact: Studies show that the motive for sexual assault is power and control, not sex, and that most perpetrators have other consenting sexual partners. Sexual assault is a crime of violence, committed by a person who uses sex as a weapon.

Myth: People who have been sexually assaulted were “asking for it” by the way they dress, act, if they were drinking, or because they were late.
Fact: No on asks for it. The idea that someone “asks for it” is often used by the offender to rationalize their behaviour. It blames the survivor of the crime, not the offender.

Myth: Saying “no” is the only way of expressing your desire to not continue.
Fact: Many offenders will rationalize their behaviour by saying that because the survivor did not say “no,” the perpetrator though that consent was obtained. The law is clear: without consent, it is sexual assault. Consent means saying “yes” to sexual activity.

Myth: It wasn’t rape, so it wasn’t sexual violence.
Fact: Any unwanted sexual contact is considered to be sexual violence. Many forms of sexual violence involve no physical contact, such as stalking or distributing intimate visual recordings.

Myth: A woman can’t be raped by another woman; a man can’t be raped by another man; a transgender person can’t rape or be raped by a partner.
Fact: Any time a person has sex without someone’s consent, that is rape. Forcible sex can occur between any two people, including LGBTQ people.

Myth: Men are not victims of sexual violence.
Fact: 1.5% of all men have been raped and 47% of bisexual men have experienced some form of unwanted sexual contact in their lifetime. 

Myth: If a person consents to have sex at the start of making out, but changes their mind, and their partner keeps going–then they are not sexually assaulted.
Fact: Consent is active and ongoing. This means that it ceases to be present if someone changes their mind. This also means that a person can say no to further continuance once any sexual activity has already begun.

Myth: If two people are married, or in a relationship, sex is an assumed part of the agreement.
Fact: Consent to any sexual activity can only be given by the individual, regardless of the context. Spousal relationships do not constitute consent to sexual activity. Sexual activity cannot be expected or condoned in advance.

Myth: Survivors lie about being sexually assaulted to get revenge, for their own benefit, or because they feel guilty after having sex.
Fact: Survivors rarely make false reports about sexual assault. Only 6% of sexual assaults are reported to the police.

Myth: If someone buys dinner or drinks, gives a present, or does a favour, the recipient owes them sex.
Fact: No one owes anyone sex. It cannot be assumed that friendliness and openness are an invitation to sex.

Myth: If it really happened, the survivor would be able to easily recount all the facts in a proper order.
Fact: Shock, fear, embarrassment and distress can all impair memory. Additionally, many survivors actively attempt to minimize or forget the details to help them cope.

Myth: It’s only sexual assault if physical violence or weapons are used.
Fact: Many survivors are too afraid to struggle. Assaults may also be drug assisted. Lack of physical injury or knowing the attacker does not change the fact that sexual assault is violent and against the law.


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