Please read the following important announcement from our board of directors:

With sincerest gratitude and heartfelt best wishes for her retirement, the Board of Directors of Family Transition Place (FTP) announces the resignation of Executive Director Norah Kennedy. Norah will continue to lead FTP through this time of transition, with her tenure to be completed by the end of this calendar year. 

In Norah’s resignation letter, she spoke of her time at FTP as one of her “greatest sources of pride and accomplishment,” and that she had found her calling, “working with a team of people who will always be family to me.” Acknowledging that FTP is led by a team of “exceptional and capable, strong, talented women,” she wrote it is now someone else’s time to have the honour and privilege of guiding the agency into the future. Norah asserts she will “always be an ambassador for the agency,” and we are immensely grateful for that.  

Norah has shown exemplary leadership in her time as ED. She has led FTP with integrity, grace, conviction, and an unwavering commitment to advocacy for the VAW (Violence Against Women) sector, and for all women and families who have needed support and services to find their way to safety and wellbeing. She has provided countless staff with invaluable mentorship and education. She has secured a place for FTP as a leader within the VAW sector and with her enthusiastic openness for continual learning, Norah has remained a beacon of light, compassion, empowerment, belonging and hope, and alongside her team has worked tirelessly to serve our community. 

While her retirement from this role may be sad news for the Board, staff, clients, and our community partners, it’s because of Norah’s intrinsic understanding of the needs of the agency, that she has spent the past several years thoroughly, and thoughtfully, preparing FTP for this impending transition. As a result, the Board of Directors remains confident that the brilliant stewardship for which Norah is known, will continue as we welcome a new ED into the role when the timing is right. 

The Executive Director role will be posted in the coming days. For now, we celebrate Norah Kennedy; her inspiring leadership, her notable achievements, and the brilliant legacy she leaves behind. With enduring thanks, we also extend to Norah our very best wishes for a long, happy and healthy retirement shared amongst those who love her as much as we do.

A message from Norah:

If you have any questions, please forward them to Kelly Lee at 519-942-4122, ext. 243 or

Photo and video credit: True Nature Media

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